Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A hero from our John Muir community....

Under the category of unsung hero, we have Jocelyn Foreman, a parent and also an Instructional Aide at John Muir School, who recently led a drive to collect books that are not being used by BUSD anymore and send them to needy schools in Africa through an organization called PALF or Pan African Literary Foundation.

These are some photos of the day she,
along with some family and helpers,
gave the boxes full of books to the PALF representative:

Ready to go.

Jocelyn, her wonderful crew,
Becca Todd (from BUSD Library Services)
and the PALF representative,
all ready to load the boxes into his truck.

Teamwork always makes the job easier.

The books begin their journey.

One last box.

Thanks so much to you and you excellent crew of helpers for sparking this idea and then following it through to the end.

This sort of recycling is truly a win/win situation for everyone involved.

May we all find inspiration in that sort of selflessness.

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